Here is the list of non-profit organizations that are operating in Chugureti:
As for the type of companies operating here we can highlight several categories:
According to the neighborhoods of Tbilisi, the average price of real estate in Didube is $783 (sq m) and Chugureti – $771 (sq.m). With regard to rent, the highest still is in Mtatsminda and the per square meter cost in Chugureti and Didube neighborhoods is as follows: Chugureti – $6.78 (sq.m.) and Didube – $6.05 (sq.m).
As for the architectural decision, Chugureti, also known as Vorontsov and Plekhanov, has a plaque of colonialism. Most of the oldest buildings were constructed during the period of Tbilisi being part of the Russian Empire. The modern buildings and office spaces located here are adding their twist to the whole architecture creating a vibrant area.
Depending on who you ask, Chugureti is located near or far from the center of Tbilisi. But don’t worry. Public transportation, either subway, buses or so-called marshrutkas, are always available. Here is the list of the busses you can take: 121, 46.
Here is a list of the closest attractions to Chugureti. These places are the nearest locations from Chugureti, both entertainment, cultural and practical destinations:
The next list is a compilation of restaurants and bars in Chugureti, carefully selected based on the best received Google reviews:
Here I present the list of supermarkets available in Chugureti:
Here is the list of hospitals located nearby Chugureti: