Georgia is one of the fastest growing economies in the region. It is based on free market and has reached double digits in economic growth in the last ten years. Georgia is on top of the world’s top list of easy business index. The rising economy has attracted so many foreigners to visit or invest in this beautiful nation. In this article, we will review real estate investment opportunities in Georgia.

To make it easier, real estate sectors are divided as follows:


Following trade agreements with the EU in 2014, Georgia began the policy of free market and open borders. Residents from around 90 countries can now travel to the heart of Caucasia freely and stay up to a year. 

This created a surge in need for residential areas. National and international businesses have been running hundreds of construction projects mostly in the capital. 

This has become a foreign investment hotspot. But it hasn’t been without drama. To make this clear, let’s look at residential real estate from two different perspectives:

  • Home Ownership:

    The real estate market in this category became highly saturated in 2017 and surpassed the market demand level. In addition, disputes with some of the neighboring countries led to a lower interest in ownership. Now we see a lot of construction in progress but a very low level of demand. Prices have fallen up to 12% so this may not be a great choice for the time being.

  • Rental:

    This category is experiencing a much more promising situation than the last one. The huge number of visitors to Georgia has made rentals a lucrative business in this country. And this business is something to consider when the aim is investment in residential real estate.


The growing economy and free market all mean one thing: higher and higher demand for commercial real estate. 

People from all over the world visit Georgia so more and more commercial areas are required to fully serve this flow of tourists. Great opportunities in this area are:

  • Hotels
  • Shopping centers 
  • Tourist resorts


Despite the huge economic recovery following the Rose Revolution and the establishment of so many infrastructural companies, Georgia still imports most of its consumption products and commodities. 

This has caused a great shift in interest both by government and foreign investment towards setting up industries.  Given the fact that Georgia is a small country, the need for industrial land will be at all time high in the coming future (if it isn’t already). 

Investment opportunities in this area can be:

  • Industrial land
  • Workshops and factories
  • Storages and depots
  • Industrial sheds and silos

How can Realty Guide help?

Realty Guide is currently the most full-service investment consultant agency in Georgia. It provides all types of services to potential investment all throughout the way.

Our experts are experienced real estate and industrial contractors with experience in working in huge markets of US and France. 

Realty Guide can help you find your ideal investment sector, run analysis such as ROI and SWOT and guide you down the road until you achieve your ultimate goal. 

Given the limited number of logistics companies in Georgia, Realty Guide service does not end at brokerage or appraisal.  We support investors in all aspects of their business and highlight the road for them.

Contact us to learn more about investment opportunities in Georgia and how you can become successful here.

To know more about real estate investment, check out these articles: Best Investment Opportunities In Georgia According To Tourism Sector, How To Access The Property Ownership Information In Georgia