Property development in Georgia has become the main pillar of the economy in recent years.
Every successful business is somehow connected to real estate and the number of construction is on the rise.
Different stages of building a house or an apartment are locally divided into color codes. Let’s take a quick look at how colors are used and what they really mean:
Black: Black frame building is the one where the apartment has basic walls (or simply the enclosure), Steel door, main power connections and double-glazed windows
White:  As suggested by the name, the stage follows Black and features plastered walls.
Green: This is the stage in which the apartment is ready for furniture ((Kitchen cupboards and cabinets are NOT installed)
Green +: This is the stage in which the apartment is ready for furniture (Kitchen cupboards and cabinets are installed)
In this article, we will guide through converting your Black frame to Finished or let’s say, Black to Green or Green plus. Sounds a bit murky? Let’s break it down:

From Black to Green

According to the definitions, a Black frame building is the one where the apartment has basic walls (or simply the enclosure), Steel door, main power connections and double-glazed windows. It’s time for converting:

Step 1: Walls

In this step, you can add/remove walls to redefine rooms. In some cases, people may wish to have two rooms and a small living room. Or simply the other way around. 

The most important factor is the usage. An apartment designed for daily rentals may need to look more like a hotel in comparison to one designed for longer rentals. 

Step 2: Knauf Panels

This is an optional step for most residential properties. Using panels will make future installation of wires really convenient. 

Step 3: Wall Finishing

Here, the walls are finished using white gypsum or other materials. Based on your choice, you can apply paint or wallpaper to your wall and achieve your desirable design. 

Step 4: Heating System And Piping

Now that you know where your rooms are, you can decide on extra additions to your pipes and the heating system. According to the size of room, heating radiators are purchased and installed. 

Step 5: Electricity Wiring

Next step will be to decide where the lights and other electrical equipment are installed. Make sure you have an electrician set things up for maximum security.

Step 6: Insulation

At this stage, we make sure that the pipes and the heating system is properly insulated. Winters can be brutally cold in the Caucasian region and energy consumption may get really high. 

Step 7: Floor Work

This step depends heavily on the design. Some may opt for Stone, marble or even granite. In this case, major design consideration should be taken before converting your Black frame. 

More economically, builders often choose to apply parquets. Wood and plastic are available materials for parquets.

Step 8: Doors 

Black frame by definition comes with a metal door and double glazed windows. In cases where you add additional walls to redefine rooms, you can install doors of your own choice. 

Step 9: Bathroom 

Bathrooms are important parts of every property. In many cases, buyers or renters turn down an offer simply because they don’t like the bathrooms.

It is too cramped, poorly air conditioned, toilet and shower are placed in the wrong place and so on. 

Make sure you avoid all of these to enhance restroom experience for potential customers. 

Step 10: Cupboards/Cabinets And Counters

This is the final stage to convert your black frame to finished. Some brand developers in Georgia only release for sale at this stage. But mostly, people buy a black frame so they can have their own take on the interior design, especially the cupboards. 

You have a wide range of choices depending on the usage of your property.

Important Considerations

Before we even get to to these steps, there are a few things to consider. To have a successful construction project in Georgia, there are unique opportunities which can turn into total failures if you overlook these factors. 

Pricing/Cost Policies. The cost of converting a Black frame apartment to Finished is hard to set but filed professionals believe the range is between $200-400 per square meters.

 Now, a pragmatic developer will keep in mind that the costs MUST be decided on the final value of the apartment.

 For instance, you don’t have spend $400 on converting an apartment in Varketili due to the fact that your future rental and sales price will not be as high as it will be in a hotter neighborhood such as Vake or Saburtalo. 

Meanwhile, spending that much for the latter options would be a good investment.

Furniture. This is a very significant consideration in property development in Georgia. Almost are rentals are furnished. As mentioned earlier, most brand developers also sell furnished apartments. 

Before hitting the appliance stores around town you need to make sure the furniture you purchase fits your application. 

If you need an apartment for rentals, you need to opt for heavy-duty furniture. The location of your apartment and the overall value can also be an important consideration. It is often not necessary to buy brand appliance for a property that won’t sell for a high price. 

What is next?

Turning a property from Black frame to finished is probably the most challenging stage in building a new apartment. There are so many things to do and one may lose control of the costs if stages are not well managed. 

Once you have your apartment converted into Finished, it is time to put the word out for it and start marketing. 

Real estate is a dynamic business is Georgia and you need to be active enough to keep up with competitors. 

Want to know where to start? Then check out The Rise Of AirBnB in Georgia.