When speaking about the places where you can invest for tourism, Georgia is worth mentioning. The little country, awarded with stunning nature, ancient buildings, folk traditions and cultural elements, attracts tourists interest from different countries of the world. The interest is growing as time goes by, and the country is becoming more known in the world. 

Relying on information from Georgian National Tourism Administration, in the first quarter of 2019, the number of international visitor trips to Georgia amounted 1,333,500. The main reasons for visiting Georgia is Holiday and recreation purposes.

In this article, we will discuss the things with which Georgia is popular among the tourists and how investors can benefit from these facts. 

The Most Common Reasons Why Tourists Visit Georgia 

Stunning Nature 

There are various reasons for tourists to visit Georgia. As I already mentioned the nature and the amazing views, is one of the main reasons to travel the country. 

It does not matter whether you are a sea or mountain person. Here, people of any tastes can enjoy their time. 

Georgia is a mountainous region. Here is the highest village in Europe, Ushguli. Tourists who love mountaineering often visit the place. Also, the other regions can surprise them with its beautiful mountains and cute villages.

The black sea area of Georgia is also quite diverse and astonishing. West Georgia’s sea regions are: Adjara, Guria, Samegrelo, and Abkhazia(which is occupied by Russia). Tourists who prefer sea can find different activities there. 

The country is rich with mineral waters as well. There are more than 730 kinds of water. Some of them are well known in different countries. The waters are used for various purposes, and one of them is for medicinal purposes. 

But still, there are many unused and unoccupied places. For example, there are towns with mineral water which need good investment to bring people back to such resorts. Investing money in this field can be beneficial for both,-business and country. 

Ancient Buildings and Culture

Georgia is a country with ancient history. This is (arguably) the homeland of the first European. So, if a tourist wants to travel to the past, they should definitely pay a visit to this country. The oldest churches, fortresses, buildings and even a cave town are some sights to see.

Also, the Georgian National Museum and other specific museums have special exhibits with a lot of interesting artifacts. In 2019, 36.9% of tourists came here for visiting museums, cultural and historical places.

All that is mentioned above are good reasons for tourists to be interested with this country and come back several times. They also might give you ideas for niche investment opportunities.

Georgian National Cuisine

Yes, Geogian food is one more reason why tourists love the country. Georgian wine is well known for not only the special taste it has, but the method of how it is made. The wine is made in a special jar called “Qvevri,” which gives it a special scent and taste. Also, the process of making wine is a unique tradition which is worth seeing and is noted to be one of the oldest wine traditions in the world.

Among the activities tourists took in Georgia in the first quarter of 2019, one was tasting Georgian wine and food. If you are an investor and want to open here restaurant or winery, you are welcomed. 

Georgian Folk

The country could be a perfect destination for people who love art. Georgian Pholiponical songs fascinates people. In 2001 Georgian vocal polyphony was recognized as an Intangible Heritage Masterpiece by UNESCO. 

Georgian dances are also well known. Especially Georgian National Ballet “Sukhishvili” is very popular in many countries. Georgian National Costumes are fascinating and tourists just love seeing them. 

Every year, different cultural events take place here and bring in a lot of traffic from tourists and expats. 

How Investors Can Benefit From Tourism in Georgia

With no doubt, Georgia is a country tourists love to visit. As we saw the factors which impact a tourist’s decision to travel here differ. So why you should invest in Georgia? Here is why.

Georgia’s tourism potential grows each year. Georgia is not an expensive place to travel and the prices here are reasonable. Tourists take this fact into consideration and are often willing to spend more and do more because of their savings.  

Do you know which accomodation tourists mostly take while staying here? Aside from obvious- staying with friends or family, hotels and individual apartments for rent, like Airbnb, top the ranks. So if an investor wants to open a hotel or buy accommodation for rental purposes, he can be sure that this is a good investment. 

Among the most popular activities tourists prefer, in the first place is tasting wine and cuisine. Investing money in a restaurant or some kind of local cooking classes could be a wise decision.

Georgia is a good destination for people who love shopping. 58.4% of visitors in 2019 named shopping one of the main reasons for traveling to Georgia. This is a good indicator for investors as well.

Lastly, as we already mentioned, Georgian mineral water is one more reason to invest here. The nature/eco-tourism opportunities are huge in Georgia and definitely not something to overlook. 

So, if you are still wondering whether or not you can invest in tourism Georgia, we would absolutely suggest you can. For more on opportunities for investment in Georgia, check out 6 Reasons to Invest in Property in Georgia and How to Start a Business in Georgia.